Improving Relationships

In a healthy relationship, each person feels safe to communicate wants and needs, set boundaries, and make decisions.

What is a boundary?

Boundaries are rules we set in personal relationships. Boundaries communicate our limits with other people.

Signs you have trouble setting boundaries:

  • You have trouble saying no. As a result, you reluctantly agree to things even though you don’t want to. This can lead to resentment.

  • You have trouble voicing disagreement with others. You may fear conflict with others and as a result appear agreeable to please them.

  • You feel you do not have the power to change dynamics in a relationship. You assume there is nothing you can do to make a change.

  • You get involved in situations even though you don’t want to be involved.

  • You sacrifice your own values to meet the needs of others (e.g., instead of leaving work early for a family problem, you stay late to appease someone else).

  • You chronically feel like the victim in relationships and blame others for your negative feelings.

What is codependency?

A person with codependency often has low self-esteem.

Signs you are in a codependent relationship: